Outdoor Worship with Holy Communion
Sunday, August 25
at Pine Shelter, Alameda Park
Picnic to follow!

Pastor’s Welcome


I’m so glad you stopped by to look around our website. Whether you are a new visitor or someone who has been here many times before, we’re glad you’re here. As First English’s pastor, I hope that you see something of Jesus in these virtual words and images. Because of him, we believe in the welcome and inclusion of all people.

We preach a God of grace–a God who is not waiting for us to get our lives together before starting a relationship with us. God is not expecting us to “climb up” to holiness. Rather, God “comes down” to us in Jesus.

As you look around, I also hope that you will consider visiting our congregation and worshiping with us if you have never done so. I enjoy meeting people and am always open for questions and conversation.

Blessings to you!

Pastor Kimberly van Driel