Worship with Holy Communion
Sundays at 10:00 a.m.

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Jesse Tree Devotions for Advent – Week Two

The Jesse Tree tradition echoes a prophesy made about Jesus in the book of Isaiah: that a shoot shall come out of the stump of Jesse (Isaiah 11:2). Jesse was the father of King David, one of Israel’s greatest kings and an ancestor of Jesus. The image of the stump points to the barrenness and…

Jesse Tree Devotions for Advent – Week One

The Jesse Tree tradition echoes a prophesy made about Jesus in the book of Isaiah: that a shoot shall come out of the stump of Jesse (Isaiah 11:2). Jesse was the father of King David, one of Israel’s greatest kings and an ancestor of Jesus. The image of the stump points to the barrenness and…

Covid Pastoral Letter 4

November 18, 2020 Dear Friends in Christ, As many of you are aware, coronavirus infections and hospitalizations in Butler County have risen dramatically over the last ten days. This week, First English’s health and safety committee (Bill Vilcheck, Victor Nieto, M.D., Rose Cooper, R.N., Larry Christy, and Josh Kamerer) unanimously recommended to our church council…