Worship with Holy Communion
Sundays at 10:00 a.m.
We start this year with an invitation to you to join others in sharing thought as you contemplate your special star word. Don’t have a star word? Contact the office or Pastor Kimberly if you want a word. You should have received a word in the bulletin distributed on January 5th, the day before Epiphany.…
Join us to explore how we can partner with private and government agencies in our community. See postings on our calendar on Wednesdays through April 10, 2019 The theme for the 2019 Mid-week Lenten services organized by BALM (Butler Area Lutheran Ministries) is vocation as defined by Lutherans. For us vocation covers a wide scope…
We celebrate the 175th Anniversary for First English Lutheran Church with a new banner adorning the west wall of our sanctuary. The project coordinated by Marj Rogner utilized the skills of seamstresses from our congregation and took several months to plan and complete The message of the banner shows the deep roots of our congregation…
First English is celebrating its 175th anniversary this month, marking nearly two centuries of worship and service. But what is it like to plant a church today? The pastors of Community 341–a new worshipping community in our synod–will join us for worship and a presentation on Sunday, October 7 to talk about their ministry in…
Recording of combined choir for 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. Practice October 28, 2017
First English setup a table in the parking lot for a Community Art Event Through the sun-soaked afternoon children of all ages put their touch on a 4×4 drawing of a butterfly. and gradually the buttefly took shape. With help of crew of members assisting children who stopped by. The finished project The art…
Join us at 7:00 PM on June 1 , 2017 at Trinity Lutheran Church, Clearview Mall to hear Bishop McCoy and clergy of the Roman Catholic Church discuss the Joint Statement from Conflict to Communion. As part of 500th Anniversary celebration we celebrate the decades of work by church leaders to heal long existing divisions…
Our next Dinner Church, the fourth in our series, will share a meal and discuss Noah’s ark and it’s tie to baptism. Sunday May 21, 2017 5:00 PM through 6:30 PM Mrs. Noah will introduce a different perspective on the Noah story followed by a table discussion. As in the past, food will be provided.…
First English will participate with other members of Butler Area Lutheran Ministries in celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. April 23, 2017 at Trinity Lutheran Church Sunset Drive. Click on calendar for a map.