Join us for worship via ZOOM this Sunday, May 10. The image below will link you to the service. The password is 408299.
The Good Shepherd is a Good Gate Keeper
The Road to Emmaus
Among his first words, “I am going ahead of you”.
Teachers are sending their students messages of love during this time of social distance. It’s the word our crucified teacher gives us, too.
The Rev. Kimberly van Driel Sermon Text: John 11:1-45 Life would have remained normal, if Jesus had been there in Bethany when Lazarus fell ill. But he wasn’t, so messengers went out from Bethany to tell Jesus. that the friend he loved his ill. He waited for two days before setting out. “I’m glad for…
God stands before us–we are not alone
The Nicodemus story shows death is part of being reborn
After temptation comes the angels