Worship location moved for Sunday, June 23. See announcement below,
or see you on Zoom!

Pastoral Care

Care of people through life is part of the church’s ministry. Here is some information about common questions about sacraments and other rites of passage.

Baptism: Lutherans believe that baptism is a gift of God offered to people of all ages. Pastor Kimberly welcomes all conversations with people who are interested in being baptized or in having their children baptized. Baptisms usually take place during the regular Sunday worship service. For more information, please call Pr. Kimberly at the church office.

First Communion: First English welcomes children to receive communion and provides age-appropriate instruction for kids so that they come to understand the wonderful gift of communion. There is no set age for first communion; the “right time” is decided by the child’s parents and the pastor. Are you wondering about First Communion for your child? Please contact Pastor Kimberly.

Confirmation: Confirmation in the Lutheran tradition involves two years of instruction in Bible and in the basics of Christian faith using Luther’s Small Catechism. The confirmation program at First English takes place on Sunday mornings during the Sunday School hour and usually includes youth in seventh through ninth grades. Regular retreats with other confirmands from the Butler area take place 1-2 times a year at Camp Lutherlyn.

Weddings: First English normally hosts weddings for church members and for non-members at the pastor’s discretion. The first step in planning any wedding is to contact the church office at 724-283-2378.

Sickness and Hospitalization: Please contact the church office in case of hospitalization or other need for visitation.

Funerals:  It is the privilege of the Christian community to proclaim the hope of resurrection and eternal life won by Jesus Christ and to walk with people through grief. In end-of-life situations, please contact the pastor immediately.