Worship with Holy Communion.
Sunday 10:00 a.m.

COVID-19 Update

Dear Friends,

These have been unusual and challenging days, as we seek to be faithful people and loving neighbors in the midst of an pandemic that is unprecedented in our generation. In all things, we seek to make Christ known in words and deeds.

We will worship on Sunday, March 15, with modifications to communion practices and sharing of the peace to minimize personal contact. We will support those who are not able or choose not to attend with our love and prayers. Sunday school is canceled.

The church council will be meeting early this week to determine our worship and activity schedule for the remainder of the month. Please check back on this website for further updates. If you are in need of prayer or conversation, or if you know of someone who does, please contact Pr. Kimberly through the email from on this website or call the church office.